Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

DIALOG PAPUA-JAKARTA: Still Full Suspicion & Concerns

by: andawat.papua
Now the issue of dialogue revolving so fast that sometimes some things of substance and some of the terms have not been agreed upon, refined, standardized and well understood in conjunction with already developed with a variety of perceptions. Technically this is still a lot of things that must be considered in order not to affect the substance and purpose of dialogue.

Dialogue Papua Jakarta have multiple interpretations. People arguing for the word of Papua or Jakarta first, there is the opinion of Papua said first mentioned to indicate where they are. When called dialogue Papua Jakarta there is a direct mean to the national dialogue, to participate call the press and the national dialogue as a developing news. Words as Papua and Jakarta were actually shown in 2 subjects and political territories in conflict: Papua and Jakarta. Jakarta as a center of power from the Indonesian government is continuously assessed heart failure in making and integrating Papua into Indonesia also ignores the existence of the Papuans even psychologically Jakarta is the personification of the oppressor group. While Papua entity represents the area and always had the practice of injustice, state violence, oppression, and sacrificed for the interests of Indonesia.

So that when called Dialogue Papua Jakarta indirectly defines the type of dialogue as a national dialogue. The demand for third party involvement and / or international parties or committed abroad, and given the title of an international dialogue that dialogue remains Papua and Jakarta. So the involvement of third-party claims and or international parties framed in an effort to inspire trust, neutrality and objectivity. Help create the conditions and situations that facilitate the process of dialogue rather than backing one party.

Bids dialogue also will be faced with a referendum issue by some groups of pro-independence papua. This is because there is still uncertainty about the dialogue and the perception of the referendum. Dialogue should be understood as a way to communicate problems, formulate and make choices. While the referendum or too NKRI, OTSUS etc. It is the result or the option of dialogue. So of course to put the dialog box is not equal to the box to put the referendum, the Republic of Indonesia, OTSUS or other options. Dialogue is a way or a way to arrive at the following boxes are. Referendum issue will also be exploited by groups that are pro-Republic of Indonesia to maintain the conflict among the papua.

Group wishes to support the dialogue must remain enriched by the realities and possibilities - possibilities that will be encountered. Because there is his hope that the dialogue is the last option to negotiate with Indonesia so worried if then the dialog will fail (again). There is also a very quick thinking and have more technical determine the location of the dialog or negotiator or a third party that argues that dialogue must be done quickly. There was a very agree but do not understand how to start and contribute to the dialogue that leave the task to the team formed by LIPI and Father Neles Tebay. Of course among the various expectations that have been there, there is also suspicion, rejection and even the campaign against the dialogue that continues to grow, so must be managed properly in order to support a growing dialogue. Campaigns pro dialogue should be done with a synergy through various opportunities available and made on purpose.

LIPI and Father Neles Tebay has initiated the meeting in Singapore last November 2009 with the involvement of NGO activists, youth, students, indigenous leaders and the next group of scholars formed papua Peace Network (JDP). JDP main agenda is to disseminate the concept of dialogue and gather input from the community of the dialogue bid. Efforts to internalize the support of the dialogue should start from the JDP team, the dialogue made an important agenda at the level of each institution and everyone involved was expected to reach maximum support appropriate capacity owned.

One of the JDP's agenda is to facilitate public consultation in several places in Papua and West Papua. Very risky indeed if the public consultation carried out is seen as the only step approach and forms of consolidation. For participants in public consultation is very limited though attended by people who played an important role in their community but there are many other important figures who were not involved, the avoidance or forgotten, for they all would require a different strategy approach.

Also realized that the polarization among people of Papua lately increased very sharply so many parties that had to be approached and invited to speak. The approach taken to the former political prisoners, prisoners and people of Papua in foreign countries must be balanced with the approach to the characters and the prisoners are political prisoners still in jail in the country. As with the communication with the movements of young people in Papua should be strengthened. Other groups have also seriously involved with the press is to oversee issues of dialogue and expand coverage of the pro-dialogue continuously. Because if every time the reader is presented information about the pro-dialogue will inevitably everyone will meet and interact with a variety of ideas pro-dialogue.

The next group should also be considered a comer. ALDP survey with Cordaid - Netherlands in 2009 in 3 (three) locations of Jayapura, Jayapura and Kab Kab Keerom indicates that the response to understand the problems of migrants in Papua has increased in line with their increasing role. Some people suggest that migrants papua engaged in resolving problems on the ground in accordance with the capacity papua and proportion. Father Neles Tebay in Dialogue Jakarta, Papua, Papua Perspective A also mentions the existence of migrants. Offer of dialogue for immigrants is still a fear. Dialogue seemed tantamount to an independent Papua, now the dialogue became sensitive issue for immigrants. So that communication is important to build a more intensive and open to newcomers about the humanitarian issues that occurred in Papua and the importance of dialogue to find solutions together.

The main principle when doing pro campaign dialogue is to provide opportunities for - great for anyone to develop initiatives, contribute to each other and bersinergis. Each process must be communicated to the public especially to make them feel involved in every process even invited to make a decision. Must be diligent to confirm and provide information. Perhaps the time will be longer but the support provided will be more powerful and real. All people should remain optimistic that promote critical and rational attitude. Many people have started to work and still need a lot more people because there are a lot of work. There are working diligently and openly, but some are done with perseverance and silently. May be preceded by a lot of insults rather than compliments therefore needed is consistency.

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